The New York Times  

      Selected work 2013-2020

Cover for the NYT Book Review on May 24th, 2020.
A.D. Matthew Dorfman

“Immigration in the United States is, perhaps, this nation’s chief intractable issue: as David Nassaw explains on the cover of this weel, reviewing two new books on the topic,
America is a nation of immigrants that has long imposed
severe restrictions on newcomers. That paradox is laid
bare by examining Jia Lynn Yang’s “One Mighty and Irisistible Tide” directly alongside “The Deportation Machine,” by Adam Goodman. Nassaw thoughtfully threads both into context of today’s politics, since immigration is sure to remain a
central topic with the presidential election
just a few months away”

Illustration for the NYT Review Of Books article on the book “In The Orchard” by Eliza Minot
April 2023 A.D. Matt Dorffman

Illustration for NYT Well about tips for sleeping well
October 2022 A.D. Deanna Donegan

Illustration for the NYT style section about
couple discussing financial plans during the pandemic.

September 2020. A. D. Bernadette Dashiell

For the NYT parenting
section online,
for the article
“We need to talk about
the Giving Tree”
which explores generosity
vs self-sacrifice.

September 2019.
A.D. Deanna Donnegan

For a Sunday Review’s
piece about what needs
to be done to prevent
the rise in suicides.

April 2019. A.D. Nathan Huang

Illustration for Lauren Groff’s book review of “American Dirt”.

January 2020. A.D. Matt Dorffman

For the NYT Sunday Review. Reyna Grande, a woman born in Iguala, Guerrero, gives an account of crossing the border with her family when she was nine.

August 2018.
A.D. Nathan Huang

“The Silence Breaks”...for the NYT “Sketchbook” section on Harvey Weinstein. October 2017 A.D. Andrew Sondern

For the NYT Book Review section, on parenting
in the age of fear.

August 2018. A.D. Matt Dorfman.

For the NYT Parenting section, about emotional labour
in the household.

May 2019. A.D. Deanna Donnegan